Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Every year, I make a New Year's resolution to start (and then keep up with!) a blog.  To be honest, it never ends up happening.  I get busy, and I ultimately completely forget about it.  However, I decided 2013 will be the year I do it!  I started over at tumblr, but I feel like it's just not enough space for the great dane.  So here I am! 

So let me tell you a little bit about the great dane....

-My name is Dana
-I'm 24 years old
-I'm from Pittsburgh PA
-I'm engaged to the most amazing guy
-I went to school for art history.  I'd love to work in a museum, but I have a (not so) secret childhood dream of becoming a CIA agent
-I'm a fourth degree black belt in Taekwondo
-I love reading.  Every year, I set a reading goal for myself.  Follow my progress for 2013 on goodreads!
-I'm a huge movie buff
-I watch entirely too much tv.  My DVR gets filled up very quickly every week
-I am a shopaholic.  Seriously.  This blog may just end up being filled with things I bought/want to buy
-I love to travel.  My favorite city in the world is Paris.  I've only been once, but I absolutely swoon over anything and everything that has an Eiffel Tower on it. 

That's the basics on me!  I hope to write about a little bit of everything on this blog, but if you have anything you'd like to see here, please let me know!

Thanks for reading!  I hope you'll stick around!


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