I'm about to get deep here. Bear with me.
On Tuesday, I celebrated my 25th birthday. Instead of being excited for birthdays, like I normally am, I was in a huge funk over this one. Being 25 means I'm no longer in my early twenties. Also, when I thought about where I wanted my life to be once I turned 25, I was nowhere close. I'm not doing my dream job, I'm not married, and until recently, I was still living at home.
These little reasons snowballed into a big thing that really just brought me down. I was truly dreading the arrival of March 12.
But then, something happened. My birthday came, and I had a really great day.
Nothing spectacular happened, but a bunch of great little things did occur: the girls at work got me cupcakes and the sweetest card. My fiance made me birthday dinner and got me a nook gift card. I got a free birthday drink at Starbucks. My mom and dad brought me lunch at work and ate with me. I won $19 on lottery scratch off tickets.
These might not have been major things, but they made me come to the realization that even know I'm not living the perfect vision that I had for myself at 25, I'm still doing all right. I have a guy who loves me. I have an amazing group of friends. My family is as supportive and amazing as ever. I may not be working at my dream job, but I have a job. I've finally moved out of my parents house.
Most importantly, I've grown so much in the past couple of years. I have to say, I'm kind of proud of the woman I've become.
So bring it on, 25. Can't wait to see what you have in store for me.